Comfort of Neighbors

Monday night, I tackled my laundry, which had piling up for quite a while. Load followed load, and it got to be eleven o'clock at night -- so I combined the last two loads into one, even as my better sense told me that the dryer could never handle all those jeans and towels on just four quarters.

Then, after I moved the final mega-load from the washer to the dryer, I began to get sleepy. I decided to lay down on my bed and rest my eyes. The next morning, I sheepishly trod downstairs -- to witness my neighbor gingerly pulling my damp jeans out of the dryer. She said, "Your stuff is all wet, you better run it again." I asked her if that would be okay, because I was going to be gone all day at work. She told me it was no problem, she'd take my stuff out of the dryer when she needed it.

I think you know what's coming next -- my nice neighbor folded my entire load of laundry for me! And what's more, in our brief chat, she filled me in on some building gossip -- that the tennant across the hall from me is getting married and moving to Michigan ...


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