Yosemite Update

A full vacation journal is yet to come, but here's a quick update.

As we hiked out of Yosemite, we were passed by a ranger leading her horses on a eight-day trip into the high country. She warned us to be careful, because the lightning was popping up above (where we were headed). Little did I realize that the storm would do more than add to my discomfort as I hiked. It would become a national story!

From the the Fresno Bee:

A smoky wildfire in Yosemite National Park that has scorched 1,700 acres and obscured views of Half Dome and other famous sights, closed trails, displaced backpackers and polluted the skies will be allowed to burn and grow in size.

The 1,700-acre blaze, which ignited when storms passed through Yosemite the week of June 27, is southeast of Glacier Point Road and Mono Meadow Trailhead at the 7,267-foot elevation.

On a related note, here's an article on the half-dome hike (which I failed to complete last year):

What a View …
Hikers Scale Yosemite's Popular Half Dome


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