Morgan Update

Morgan came over yesterday afternoon and woke me up from my nap. I was happy to see her, though.

Pete told me she had puked on her bed on the way over, and it was indeed a nasty looking mess. So, I shook off what I could out in the yard and then put it in the washing machine. The bed is nice and clean now, but I got in trouble, because dog hair got all over the inside of the washing machine. I first tried cleaning the washing machine with a wet rag, but that didn't seem to do much other than move the hair around. I then tried a dry rag, which seemed a bit better, but still wasn't quite doing the trick. Finally, having strained my brain about the options of how to get that hair out of there--including just running water through the washing machine, which idea I rejected--I decided to go the most basic route of all: my hands. And that finally did the trick. I think. At least as far as I was able to tell, I was able to get most, if not all, of the hair out of the machine.

When I took her for her late afternoon walk, around 5:30, she was very excited. I believe she knew where we were headed--down by the creek, where I usually let her run a bit. It was still light out, and I don't usually let her run until late, so that we don't have problems with other people, but she had been getting better with listening, so I let her go. She was very good and stuck to the wooded area by the creek, like I have been trying to teach her. At one point, there is a sort of sandy area by the creek, and Morgan was playing in it. She would jump up and then pounce on the sand with all fours, and then just start scattering sand all over the place with all fours. It was a funny site. She would stop occasionally and look up at me, like she was playing, and then do it again. I had never seen her do that before, but it was quite fun watching her seem excited and having fun playing in the sand. Of course, I probably hadn't seen that before, because it was always winter before.

This morning, when I took Morgan for her walk before work, I again took her down by the creek. Against my better judgment, when we got to the wooded area, I let her go. She immediately took off in the direction of the open field behind someone's house. So, as I usually do, I yelled, Morgan, no! That usually does the trick, but it didn't this morning. She didn't go very far, just to the outside edge of the wooded area, so she could run along the outside. Immediately after I yelled, Morgan, no! I heard someone else yell, Hey!, you know there's a leash law in this town! In a sarcastic tone of voice, I yelled back, yeah, I know! I kept the rest of my feelings to myself. No offense to others of different opinions out there, but I really don't have any patience for people like that. I know I should be respectful of other opinions, and I generally try to be, but Morgan wasn't really causing any harm. She just ran around the outside of the wooded area, I presume because it is easier, and then within a VERY short period of time came right back into the woods. No harm, no foul. Nobody else was back there. Hardly ever is--though I did once see someone else back there with a dog--not on a leash.

I then retrieved Morgan, uneventfully walked home and came to work. Of course, I felt bad, as I always do, when I had to put her in her kennel. She didn't seem to have any problem with it though. I like to think she understands.


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