The Morning and Evening Paths

I've been meaning to post a map of the dog walk paths I've been taking now that it's summer -- and even more so, now that Google offers such a cool mapping function. Unfortunately, there's not a way to copy the Google maps and trace routes on them, because they're divided into little bits. So I thought instead, readers could open up the map in a new window:

A Map of my Neighborhood

And trace out the following routes in their mind's eye (for the evening walk, you'll need to scroll west, which you can do just by clicking and dragging on the map, which is beyond cool):


East on Ohio to Bishop
North on Bishop to Erie
East on Erie to Noble
North on Noble to Huron
East on Huron to Ada
Through Eckhart Park to Chestnut
West on Chestnut to Greenview
South on Greenview to Chicago
West on Chicago to Armour
South on Armour to Erie
West on Erie to Paulina
South on Paulina to Ohio
West on Ohio to home.


West on Ohio to Wood
South on Wood to Race
West on Race to Oakley
North on Oakley to Ohio
West on Ohio to Smith Park
Through Smith Park to Huron
West on Huron to Washtenaw
North on Washtenaw to Iowa
East on Iowa to Leavitt
South on Leavitt to Superior
East on Superior to Hoyne
South on Hoyne to Ohio
East on Ohio to home


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