My New Friends At Gamefly: Or, $9 Worth Of Social Change, Part II

Much to my surprise, Gamefly actually responded to me, again. To the extent that they are sincere, I must say that I am impressed.

"Dear Matthew,
Eric Rosen briefed me on your recent communications regarding GameFly's participation in Reservation Rewards.

First of all, I do appreciate thoughtful feedback from customers like you. It is extremely important for us to know what our customers like and don't like in order to improve our service. Before we placed the Reservation Rewards program on our site, I joined it personally to make sure that they delivered what they promised. I also cancelled the service to make sure that the cancel process was legitimate. I found it to be satisfactory on both counts. We realize that some people will find value in reservation rewards and others will not, but we have also found the $10 credit to be very popular among our used game buyers.

Despite the fact that we have had very few complaints, the issues you raised are serious enough to warrant a re-evaluation of our participation in the program. Part of this process will include research among other GameFly customers who have joined Reservation Rewards. I will let you know how we are doing later in the process and welcome any additional input that you may have.

I am very sorry both that the situation occurred and you did not find our earlier responses to be adequate. Our team is used to handling a small number of more conventional situations in which a customer expresses buyer's remorse. In these cases, a review of the transaction process is often very helpful. In retrospect, we could have been more empathetic and less process oriented in our response. In any case, you had every right to express your concern and, once again, I appreciate your bringing this serious issue to our attention.



David Hodess/CEO"


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