Vegan Belts

Tonight, I'm in Boston (Cambridge, actually), staying in a hotel right next to Harvard University. While enjoying the view from my windwow this evening, I remembered suddenly that I had forgotten to pack a belt, so I ended up walking around the Harvard Square area for quite a while looking for an open store that sold belts. The Gap was closed. The traditional New England-looking clothing store was closed. The Urban Outfitters was open, but none of their belts looked like something I'd want to wear. At a couple minutes before nine, I found a store named Hootenanny. I asked if they had any belts, and the clerk said sure, pointing me to a large rack of many different belts. He then asked me if I'd like a vegan belt. I said, "What's a vegan belt?" He then proceded to explain that vegans didn't eat any animal products, etc. I told him I knew what a vegan was, but I'd never extended the thought process to not wearing leather belts. I said I'd give one a try, but it turned out, unfortunately, that they were out of vegan belts. I bought a leather belt, but I'm not sure if I'll wear it tomorrow. It might be too wide and Urban-Outfitter-ish, but I was desperate.

(And seeing Harvard's campus really makes me appreciate the University of Chicago -- greatest school in nation, perhaps the world!)


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