
Well, that last bit about Pete's map was a fair bit of fun, and it's always hard to try to replicate such a spontaneous thing, but against my better judgment, I figured I'd have a go at it, anyway. So, if you can, tell me what the places shown below have in common, and then tell me where they are. I'll assign my free ice cream from Pete to the first to guess! Oh yeah, I should forewarn, if you are seeking a clue from the url's for the photos, don't--I randomly named them to preempt that clever stratagem.

UPDATE: Guess it goes to show, perspective is a funny thing. I thought the commonality would be fairly easy--that is, because I was thinking about it, I suppose. I don't claim I would have necessarily guessed either. But I thought someone might.

A couple more, then, I think, should give it away. As for where they are, I thought Pete would probably recognize at least the bottom one. And, another hint: I didn't pull this theme totally out of my butt, it started with curiosity about Kevin's remark that for awhile he thought Pete's map showed Mauritania.

And I think this fits the theme...


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