Pandora Radio

Somebody at work told me about Pandora, an internet radio service based in Oakland, and I've been spending a lot of time fiddling with it ever since.

You enter in a couple songs or artists you like, and then they begin playing songs that the "musical genome project" will think you will enjoy, which you get to rate thumbs up or thumbs down. I entered in Oasis, Embrace, the Kendalls, Kitty Wells, the Spinners and Jimmie Lunceford as the artists I like, and so far it is doing a pretty good job picking out songs for me. There have been some misfires (I'm not too crazy about Aerosmith or Nelson), but I was impressed when it picked out a Highway 101 song for me.

According to the genome, I like songs in a major key, with simple structures and melodies and acoustic guitars -- or something like that. I was disappointed, though, that they don't have any Eddy Howard in their database. Lately, I've been rocking out to "My Adobe Hacienda."


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