The Compact Reconfirmed

Tonight, I went to a dinner where Alice Walker spoke and received an award. She told a story of how her grandmother (or great-grandmother) worked so hard that she laid down to take a nap one day and never woke up.

She tied that story to the condition of workers today being forced to live in sub-human conditions in order to support the global economy in which we all take a part.

As I listened to her speak (she has an amazingly soft but powerful voice), I thought of how I went to a shopping area in Walnut Creek this weekend, and how I was sorely tempted to break my compact to not buy anything new this year -- and how I was considering buying a new bike just yesterday.

But now I have reconfirmed my commitment to the compact. And I encourage all of the readers of the Inter-Ocean Parabolic to take a moment to think of all the stunted bones and broken hopes hidden in the extra cheap goods lining American stores' shelves.


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