My Friends, John And Elizabeth Edwards
Today, I got a nice email from Elizabeth. She wants me to join Women For Edwards.
I'm all for helping equalize things for women, but still, I'm not sure I'm comfortable saying I'm a Woman for Edwards.
Oh, ah! Phew... I see, my small part is to help by getting women I know to sign up! Ah, much better. That I can do, and glad I am to be able to feel that we're all in this together!
Calling all women folk: sign up to be Women for Edwards!
Dear Matthew
I am so proud that today in Iowa, John is announcing the launch of our new group: Women for Edwards. Women from across the country—elected officials, community leaders, workers, political activists, mothers, daughters, sisters—have added their voices to the campaign.
Today, I'm asking you to join us. Please help me by sending this email on to your sister, your mother, a friend or any woman you know who might be interested in joining our campaign. Tell them the news about Women for Edwards, and let them know we need their voice.
Here's the link to sign up:
For John and me, this campaign has always been primarily about the people who the campaign, and ultimately an Edwards administration, can reach and help. In fact the name of the group—if it wasn't too unwieldy—could be Women for Women (for Edwards).
This campaign has always had at its core the issues about which women feel passionately, and therefore it is no surprise to me that women are drawn to this campaign—both because of the emphasis on the real issues and John's commitment to improving the lives of women and families.
John's clear focus on the key issues that affect women's lives during the campaign gives us all confidence that he will prioritize these same issues as President. I'm talking about things like:
* Raising the minimum wage which currently disproportionately disadvantages hard-working women
* Guaranteeing every American quality health care with a program that does not wait but addresses this stress on American families now so that every woman, every child gets the medical attention she needs
* Making college more affordable and helping Americans save which dramatically affects the bottom line in many women's lives
* And women, like all Americans, desire to create a better world for our families by supporting the troops and ending the war in Iraq, taking a better, long-term approach to defusing radical extremism that fuels terrorism, and by stopping global warming so that the current alarming trends do not become an environmental free-fall that our children will not be able to halt.
Getting this election right is so important to women. Can you use this as an opportunity to reach out and find one woman you know who shares these values and ask her to join us? Can you find one woman who is not involved, help her register to vote and talk to her about John's campaign—a campaign dedicated to improving her life?
I'm glad that we're in this together.
--Elizabeth Edwards
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I'm all for helping equalize things for women, but still, I'm not sure I'm comfortable saying I'm a Woman for Edwards.
Oh, ah! Phew... I see, my small part is to help by getting women I know to sign up! Ah, much better. That I can do, and glad I am to be able to feel that we're all in this together!
Calling all women folk: sign up to be Women for Edwards!
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