My Neighborhood in 1912

I recently found an old map of Oakland, specifically the 1912 "Map of Oakland and Vicinity, published by the Realty Union." When you zoom into my neighborhood on the map, you can see what it looked like as a new subdivision:

My house was built in 1916, so this map shows the area just as the neighborhood was being laid out. The neighborhood is now considered Maxwell Park, but the original subdivision, as you can see from the map, was called Brookdale Terrace, which is the name listed on the official city records I received when I bought the house. The bulk of Maxwell Park was undeveloped in 1912 and is identified on the map as the Chittenden Tract. The red line on the map cutting through Brookdale Terrace is Courtland Creek, which is now mostly covered, but still flows through a grove of eucalyptus down the hill from my house.

Someday, I'm going to go to the Oakland Public Library and see if I can find any original advertisements for the Brookdale Terrace subdivision.


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