Woody Plants: The Tree Peony Mystery Continues

Most IOP readers will remember the discovery I made last spring that the tree peony I bought as Paeonia lutea var. ludlowii was actually a unknown variety of Paeonia suffruticosa.  At the time, based on its pinkish and purplish white blooms, I thought it might be a Renkaku.  But this year, it has more flowers, and they are blooming more fully.  Comparing my peony to the pictures of Renkaku I found online, I don't think it's the correct variety.  Renkaku has a solid gold center, while my peony has gold and purple in the middle (what would be the pistil and stamens?)

After some cursory online searching, I'm thinking I may have a Chinese variety, maybe 蓝月亮 (blue moon) or  凤丹白 (white phoenix).

If anybody can figure out the correct variety, they will win a prize!


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