A Tour of My Back Yard
In a shady corner, you'll find Viburnum plicatum tomentosum 'Mariesii' and Thuja plicata 'Sunshine'.
I bought a bunch of irises a couple years ago, but failed to note where I planted what. I believe this is 'China Maid'.
Calceolaria calycina
I thought this unidentified rose might be 'Canadian Sunset'. But when I counted the petals, I found exactly fifty, while 'Canadian Sunset' only has 17 to 25.
Another view of China Maid, with Geranium maderense in the background.
Senecio stellata surrounded by lemons.
The Ugni molinae looks like it's preparing to produce some fruit this summer--a first.
My vegetable garden is being taken over by one very large cardoon.
Lewisia longipetala
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus': a golden hop leaf.
Kirengeshoma palmata
Cistus x. hybridus and Kolkwitzia amabilis.
Another view of Rhododendron canescens 'Varnadoes Pink', the Florida pinxter azalea.
The view toward the garage, including the concord grape and Bouquet de Fleurs orange.
The view toward the house, with the persimmon at center.
This is where I sit and read the paper on Sunday morning.
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